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Crystal Cameron

When I had the chance to talk to Crystal recently, I asked her if she remembered what initially sparked her interest in music at such a young age.  She said that since she had been singing for such a long time,  she couldn't recall the  initial spark, but she did say that it isn't much different than the spark that she feels now when she hears music and certain rhythms and songs.  She said that it is an overwhelming feeling that she connects to that tugs at her soul and inspires her to sing and write.


Crystal has been performing most of her life, going back to performing in talent shows in school and also in church when growing up.  By the time she was in 6th grade, she had already written her first song.


She said that she had many people throughout her younger years that had inspired and encouraged her.  She said that she could remember one teacher that gave out little bears once the students had earned  100 stickers for being good and the bear was called an "I CAN" Bear.  Crystal said that she used to take that bear with her everywhere even taking it to her performances with her up until high school to remind her that "I CAN" do anything that she would put her mind to.  She said that she always had a fire in her soul, but it was these little things that helped her to find even more confidence to be bold and not be afraid, especially growing up in an area where the arts are more of a hobby to a lot of people and not considered "A REAL" job or passion to pursue.  She feels that she resisted a lot but had the fire in her to not give in to it and keep doing what she loves to do...

To read Crystal's entire interview, please check out the upcoming book release They Came From Blair County to be released by the end of 2020.



**Information for this article was obtained through email correspondence with Crystal Cameron

© 2020 They Came From PA/Shields Entertainment

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