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Jackie Russo

Beauty, Brains and Heart is a service organization that promotes positive pageantry with a purpose and encourages community service through volunteerism.  Altoona native Jackie Russo, along with her daughter Typhani founded the pageant oriented service organization to give girls who are not the typical cookie cutter pageant person the opportunity to wear a sash and a crown to learn about community volunteering and giving back and paying it forward in 2008.


"We want to reach out to young ladies who are more than just a pretty face! Those women who love competing in pageants but also are inspired through the pageant world to be involved in promoting their platform issues, are active in charitable organizations as well as within their community." Russo explains.  She continues, "These girls are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside. They possess all the necessary attributes to be positive role models and leaders. They are beautiful both physically and spiritually.  They are intelligent, career oriented, talented, virtuous and compassionate! These girls who are so very comfortable being in the spotlight with their make-up, spray tans, beaded gowns and high-heeled shoes can be just as comfortable out of the limelight with a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers volunteering their time and talents.  They are amazing young ladies who wear their crowns on their hearts.".....




**To read the complete article, check out the upcoming book release They Came From Blair County Volume 2


**Information in this article was obtained through an in-person interview with Jackie Russo



**Photos were provided by Jackie Russo

© 2020 They Came From PA/Shields Entertainment


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