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The Wolf Family

Though the beginning of Wolf Furniture is officially considered to be 1902, it was not the famiily's first venture into business.  They can actually trace their business roots back to the mid to late 1800s.

Adam J. wolf, who settled in Hollidaysburg, was in the cabinet making and undertaking business.  In 1843, at the age of twenty-two, he crossed the Atlantic and after residing two years in Philadelphia, he moved to Hollidaysburg and worked as a journeyman cabinet maker.  Shortly, thereafter, he started in business for himself.  He built cabinet making and undertaking rooms on Allegheny Street.

Former company president, Doug Wolf, says that back in those days, there wasn't a place that you would go to buy a casket.  It had to be made usually by the undertaker.  Then, when they didn't have a client people would ask,  "Can you make a table or chairs?"

After being in the furniture business and undertaking business for a number of years, Adam transferred the business to his eldest son, William.

Adam and his wife had a family of six sons.  There was William, who took over his father's business; Henry A, who was a partner in the Altoona Hardware and Supply Company; Salem Joseph, who was also in the hardware business;  Adam Richard, also a hardware dealer;  Charles E, a hardware dealer and eventual founder of Wolf Furniture; and Frank X who died at the age of sixteen.

Charles Eugene Wolf, born October 28, 1864 in Hollidaysburg, opened several flourishing businesses in Pennsylvania and Ohio and invested so carefully and wisely that he retired when he was forty years old....

**To read the complete article, check out the upcoming book release They Came From Blair County Volume 2 due out by the end of 2021

**The information for this article was obtained from the following resources:

    1. The Wolf Furniture Company from 1902 to 1970 by Wallace A. Riley

    2.Biography Charles E. Wolf (1864-1918), founder Wolf Furniture Company.

     3. A phone interview with Doug Wolf

**Photos were provided by Doug Wolf and The Wolf Family

© 2020 They Came From PA/Shields Entertainment

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